Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

1 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 24051
Author(s): Brown, Elizabeth A. R.
Title : Blanche of Artois and Burgundy, Château-Gaillard, and the Baron de Joursanvault [The author provides evidence about Blanche of Artois, one of three royal daughters-in-law of King Philip the Fair who were accused of adultery in 1314. Blanche was imprisoned for the rest of her life. Thirteen documents concerning provisions for Blanche and her household while imprisoned at Château-Gaillard are presented in the appendix along with English translations and descriptions. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe: Gender, Power, Patronage, and the Authority of Religion in Latin Christendom.   Edited by Katherine Allen Smith and Scott Wells Studies in the History of Christian Traditions .   Brill, 2009.  Pages 223 - 248.
Year of Publication: 2009.